Sierra Vista Garden and Landscape Guide

Landscape & Garden Advice For Southern Arizona

Bahia absinthifolia – Silverleaf Bahia

Sunny Yellow Flowers With Little Water: Silverleaf Bahia

Silverleaf Bahia (Bahia absinthifolia) is an easy-to-grow native perennial wildflower with sunny yellow daisy flowers attractively displayed above neat silvery foliage. This tidy perennial plant can be used in flower gardens or in-between larger shrubs in the garden.

Botanical Name: Bahia absinthifolia

Common Names: Silverleaf Bahia, Hairyseed Bahia

Native Habitat

Arizona to west Texas and south to northern Mexico. Silverleaf Bahia prefers desert and upland habitats. Silverleaf Bahia is common in disturbed soils and along roadsides throughout it’s range.

Bahia absinthifolia distribution map

Bahia absinthifolia distribution map.

Bahia absinthifolia is native to Cochise County, Arizona.

Plant Type

Herbaceous perennial, wildflower. Silverleaf Bahia lives for a few to many years in the garden and will likely reseed themselves in the garden.

Plant Form

Silverleaf Bahia is a clumping perennial that spreads by short underground stems. Leaves and stems are gray-green and covered with silvery hairs. The overall plant has a light silver color appearance. Plants are mounding and tidy.
Height and Spread
12 to 16 inches tall and spreads 12 inches wide. Rainfall or irrigation determines the plant’s overall height. Plants are fast-growing. If plants get too tall or untidy, cut the plant back half-way to rejuvenate and encourage new, fresh growth.
bahia absinthifolia image

Patrick J. Alexander @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

Flower Description

Sunny yellow daisy flowers bloom from spring to fall. Flowers are daisy-like and have many petals.

Bloom Season

March to October. The amount of flowers you get from Bahia absinthifolia depends on rainfall or irrigation.

Wildlife Value

Birds eat the seeds and a variety of insects visit the flowers.

How to Grow

Silverleaf Bahia grows well in full-sun or light shade and can tolerate reflected heat from walls and pavement.
Bahia will grow in any well-drained soil. Poor soil is acceptable; there is no need to serious amend the soil for good garden performance. Rocky soils and gravel mulches are a fine place to grow this native wildflower. Fertilizer is not necessary for good growth and flowering for most gardeners.
Once the Silverleaf Bahia is established, it can survive on native rainfall. If summer monsoons are sparse, a deep soaking once per month will keep the Bahia absinthifolia looking it’s best and keep it blooming. However, supplemental water is not a requirement for its survival.

Landscape Uses

Silverleaf Bahia is an attractive addition to the desert wildflower garden. Plant large drifts in gravel beds between larger shrubs or as a ground cover creates a colorful, drought-tolerant accent. You can plant it in areas that are far from the irrigation system and let it get by with natural rainfall.


Propagation is by seed. Plant seeds in the early spring. Occasionally, specialty nurseries offer plants for sale in the fall. 

Where to Buy:

Plants: Desert Survivors Nursery in Tucson sells plants in 1 gallon containers.

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